Home Health and Community Care Intake - Fraser Health
Caregiver Support, End of Life Care / Palliative Care, Healthcare Providers, Home Health Care, Medication, and Seniors Services
Provided by Fraser Health
- Advance care planning: Planning for your health to make sure you get the right care now and in the future.
- Caregiver support clinicians: Help with information and community support for families and caregivers.
- Day program for older adults: Social programs, connections and activities in your community.
- Nutrition and dietitian services: Information on diet and nutritional plans.
- Seniors community connector: Access to community services and activities to help you stay well.
- Social work services: Access to programs, services and resources to help with isolation.
- Home support services: Personal care supports and daily home-based activities.
- Home care nursing services: Wound or skin care, managing medications, intravenous therapy and additional home supports.
- Home oxygen program
- Palliative care
- Palliative care information for physicians.
To access services new clients can contact the Home Health Service Line at 1-855-412-2121 (open seven days a week, 8:30 a.m. - 9:00 p.m.; on statutory holidays between 8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.). Current clients, call the nearest Home Health office. To access services call or have one of these individuals call on your behalf:
- family member
- hospital
- family doctor
- friend
- neighbour
- community group
- government agency
Some services provided free of charge while others include a cost based on your after tax income. Please click this link to find out more information about eligibility and costs.
Location finder: https://www.fraserhealth.ca/Service...
1-855-412-2121 (Intake and home health services Line)
604-541-6800 (White Rock)
15476 Vine Avenue, White Rock, British Columbia
604-952-3552 (Delta)
#1826, 4949 Canoe Pass Way, Delta, British Columbia
604-532-6500 (Langley)
#101, 20651 56 Avenue, Langley, British Columbia
604-592-2040 (Surrey - Newton)
#1009, 7495 132 Street, Surrey, British Columbia
604-953-4977 (Surrey)
#1500, 13401 108th Avenue, Surrey, British Columbia
604-777-7300 (Port Moody)
#700, 220 Brew Street, Port Moody, British Columbia
604-777-6700 (New Westminster)
#218, 610 Sixth Street, New Westminster, British Columbia
604-476-7100 (Maple Ridge)
#400, 11762 Laity Street, Maple Ridge, British Columbia
604-918-7447 (Burnaby)
#400, 4946 Canada Way, Burnaby, British Columbia
604-860-7747 (Hope)
Hope Home Health Office - 1275A 7th Avenue, Hope, British Columbia
604-702-4800 (Chilliwack)
Public email: nicole.johnston@fraserhealth.ca
Chilliwack Home Health Office - 45470 Menholm Road, Chilliwack, British Columbia
Wheelchair accessible.
604-814-5520 (Mission)
Mission Home Health Office - #2nd Floor, 7298 Hurd Street, Mission, British Columbia
Wheelchair accessible.
604-556-5000 (Abbotsford)
Abbotsford Home Health Office - #103, 34194 Marshall Road, Abbotsford, British Columbia
604-703-2035 (Agassiz)
Agassiz Home Health Office - 7040 Cheam Avenue, Agassiz, British Columbia
Service is available in English and Punjabi.
Cost: No cost
Referral options:
- Self-referral
- Physician or nurse practitioner referral
- Community service organization referral
- Family member
Brochures and Info
Associated Programs/Services
Also offered by Fraser Health:
Just the closest matches listed. Click to see more!- Home Support Services - Fraser Health
- Home Intravenous Therapy (IV) Program
- Home Care Nursing - Fraser Health
Service area: Fraser Health Area
Service Types Provided
- Access / Intake for Health Authority Home Health Services
- Assessment for Facility Placement
- Caregiver Support Groups
- Case Management
- Nursing
- Medication Management
- Personal Care
- Wound care at home
- Respiratory Therapy Services: Home Oxygen
- Access / Intake for Health Authority Home Health Services
- Adult Day Services
- Advance Care Planning
- Medication Management
- Caregiver Support Groups: Caregiver Education
Ways to Access
- Provided at home
The listing of this service in Pathways is not a recommendation or endorsement by Pathways.